Find a wide variety of birdlife in our environments
Albany offers amazing birdwatching
in a wide range of environments
Albany is located on the South Coast of Western Australia where plentiful wetlands offer environments for a varied range of bird species. The Lake Seppings Bird Walk offers hides and easy access or take the afternoon (best light) and binoculars to the western end of the Princess Royal Harbour to see Fairy Terns, Spoonbills, Banded Stilts, Dotterels, Black Swans and many more species.
Albany is a great place for birdwatching with more than 200 species of birds in the region ranging from rare endemics to migratory shorebirds visiting Albany from as far away as northern Asia/Alaska during the summer months.
Some rare endangered species live in coastal heathlands east of Albany including the Western Ground Parrot. Threatened birds such as Carnaby’s and Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo and the Hooded Plover, breed in the Albany WA.
Most of the birds endemic to WA can be readily seen in the Albany area including the Red-capped Parrot, Western Spinebill, Western Rosella, Red-winged Fairy-wren, Red-eared Firetail and White-breasted Robin. Our offshore islands provide breeding grounds for birds the Great-winged Petrel, Flesh-footed Shearwater and Little Penguin.