Two Rivers Garden GroupMeeting monthly at private homes to enjoy and gain inspiration from wandering through beautiful gardens. Open to all, 3rd Thursday each month. Funds raised donated to Albany Hospice. Facebook page not available.
Info PH 0427 468 030
email: tworiversgardengroup@gmail.com |  Middleton Beach Bowling ClubLawn Bowls, Promotional Bowls, Cards, Craft & Barefoot Bowls | Tues: Cards 1pm | Wed: Social Bowls 1pm | Thur: Quilting/sewing 10am | Fri: Social Bowls | Sat/Sun: fixed events | Winter: Scrounger Bowls on Sundays | Venue Hire available. 25 Garden St. Albany WA | Ph 98412503 | click on image for facebook link. |  Over 50's Cycling GroupThe Albany Over Fifties Riders group caters for those who still have the 'competitive drive' to those who prefer a more leisurely pace but above all, to enjoy social riding with like minded people. Faster riders average between 25 and 30 km/h
The middle group, between 20 and 25 km/h
The slower, group just under 20 km/h
Click image find out more on Facebook. |
 Emu Point Sporting ClubLocated at Emu Point, 7km east of Albany town,
offering members and visitors Lawn Bowls and Tennis facilities as well as a fully equipped Kitchen, well stocked Bar, Table Tennis and Pool tables.
Contact the club for information on Facility Hire, lawn bowls, barefoot bowls or tennis.
email: epsci@westnet.com.au |  Albany Bird GroupWe are a group of birdwatching enthusiasts who meet on the second Tuesday of each month visiting areas between Denmark, Wellstead and the Stirling Range to observe the birds. Additional excursions are scheduled on weekends in spring. Anyone interested in birds is welcome to join our outings.
Click on the image to visit our website and view upcoming events.
Or find us on Facebook |  The Birdcage AlbanyEvery Wednesday morning 10am - 2pm
Albany Menshed
New building rear of the PCYC Sanford Road.
The Birdcage is a new ladies social group in Albany using the mens shed for art & craft, woodwork, gardening & other hobbies. The shed is equiped with meeting room & kitchen where members can meet and share ideas and experiences, or just sit and have a sociable cuppa!
Daily Attendance $2 / Yearly Membership $60
Barbara PH 0451 828441 / Email thebirdcagealbany@gmail.com |